Friday, July 22, 2011

A Promotion

President Aquino promotes ex-security aide By
3 share21 18

President Benigno Aquino III has appointed as head of the Armed Forces’ Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) a senior Army officer who served in the Presidential Security Group (PSG) during the term of his mother, the late President Corazon Aquino.

Maj. Gen. Jessie Dellosa, current commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, will formally assume his new post on Friday morning.

He replaces Lt. Gen. Gaudencio Pangilinan Jr., his classmate in the Philippine Military Academy, Class 1979, who will reach the mandatory military retirement age of 56 on July 25.

In the PSG, Dellosa served as close-in aide to the young Benigno Aquino III who is now the President.

During his mother’s term in 1986-1992, the young Mr. Aquino saw three of his PSG guards killed and he was ambushed and nearly killed himself during the August 1987 coup attempt.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, who headed the PSG during the Corazon Aquino administration, and Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr. will preside over the command turnover ceremonies at Nolcom headquarters in Camp Servillano Aquino, Tarlac City.

Dellosa is touted as a leading contender for AFP chief of staff when Oban, of PMA Class ‘78, retires in December.

Before he was appointed commander of the 2nd ID based in Tanay, Rizal, Dellosa was deputy commander of the AFP Central Command and PMA commandant.

He also served as commander of the 302nd Brigade; chief of staff of the 4th ID; officer in charge of the AFP Office of Ethical Standards and Public Accountability, and assistant chief of staff for operations of the 1st ID.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


China warns neighbors: Stop oil search in Spratlys

Published: Thursday, June 9, 2011 7:45 a.m. MDT

MANILA, Philippines — China warned Asian neighbors Thursday to stop searching for oil near the Spratly Islands and vowed to assert its sovereignty over the potentially petroleum-rich territory in the South China Sea that several nations claim.

China and the Philippines have swapped diplomatic protests over the islands, with Filipino officials accusing Chinese forces of intruding into Manila-claimed areas six times since February and of firing shots at least once. Beijing denied the allegation Thursday and said it would use violence only when attacked.

Vietnam, meanwhile, has accused China of flaring tensions in Vietnamese waters by hindering the operation of a oil and gas exploration boat for the second time in two weeks.

The Spratlys, which are believed to be atop vast oil and gas reserves, have long been feared as a potential flash point of armed conflict in Asia.

The chain of barren, largely uninhabited islands, reefs and banks are claimed wholly by China, Taiwan and Vietnam and partly by the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Addressing Manila's complaints for the first time, Chinese Ambassador Liu Jianchao denied that his government committed any intrusion.

He said China has not started to drill for oil there and warned others to stop any oil exploration in the area without Beijing's permission. China claims the entire South China Sea.

"We're calling on other parties to stop searching for the possibility of exploiting resources in these areas where China has its claims," he told reporters.

He said China is open to engaging other countries in joint oil and gas exploration.

Asked what would happen if countries defy China, Liu said that Beijing would assert its right over the disputed region diplomatically. "We will never use force unless we are attacked," he said.

In Vietnam, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga said in a press briefing Thursday that a Chinese fishing boat supported by two patrol vessels that morning damaged the exploration cable of the seismic survey boat operated by state-owned PetroVietnam.

She said the actions of the Chinese boats were "completely premeditated" and "seriously violating Vietnam's sovereign rights."

The incident came just two weeks after Chinese patrol boats cut another cable on a survey boat off its central coast. Hanoi says both incidents occurred well within the 200 nautical miles guaranteed to Vietnam as an exclusive economic zone by international law.

Nga said Vietnam's Foreign Ministry officials met Thursday with Chinese Embassy officials to lodge protests. Last weekend, in rare protests spurred by Facebook and text messages, thousands of Vietnamese took to the streets in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, demanding that China stay out of Vietnamese waters.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Brief History of Bacon--Chapter Two The Revolutionary Period

The Revolutionary Period

In 1896, the first news about the Philippine Revolutionary against the Friars and the Spaniards as a whole, reached Bacon. The election of the Capitan Municipal and other officials was not made this year. The same officials elected in 1895 continued to hold office until a Military Government was established.

In 1898, food shortage was felt in the whole town including the remote barrios due to the coastwise shipping, because of the Revoluton; later, because of the Spanish-American War.

In September 1898, all Spaniards with their families left Bacon for Sorsogon, where they were supposed to proceed to Manila.

In October of the same year, a brigade of the Revolutionary Army under General Ananias Diokno arrived at Sorsogon and established a Military Government under the Revolutionary Provincial Government. In the towns, local governments were organized, each headed by a Presidente Local, with the help of a Delegado de Justicia, a Delegado de Rentas and a Delegado de Policia. The town officials were aided in the barrios by the Tenientes.

The election in Bacon was held in the Presidencia (Municipal Building) and presided over the Comandante de Estado Mayor de la Brigada, Macario Adriatico. Those elected were:

President--------------Cirio Jimenez

Vice President---------Miguel B. Ramirez

Delegado de Justicia-- Esteban Amador

Delegado de Rentas-- Antonio Diaz

Delegado de Policia-- - Gervasio Din

Besides these officials, there were 16 members elected to compose the Junta Municipal who were at the same time the Tenientes of their respective barrios. All the elected officials assumed the office on the same day they were elected.

Diokno proceeded to Cebu, but left one-half of his men under the care of Comandante Sta. Ana. This same comandante organized later the Sandatahanes composed of local able-bodied males.

It was gathered from the news published in the newspapers then, that in February, 1899, the relations between the Americans and the Filipinos were broken; and hostilities between the United States Army and Navy and the Revolutionary Forces began. The U.S. troops blockaded the northeast and southeast coasts of Luzon. In the evening, U.S. battleships frequently anchored at Sugod Bay in front of of the barrios of Sugod, Gatbo, Biong and Sawang. In order to provide for the defense of Bacon, the Military Government organized a Batallion de Milicianos called Sandatahanes (organized by the Comandante Sta. Ana). The Presidente local, Cirilo Jimenez, was appointed to this command, with Gervacio Din as Aide Camp; Guillermo Dioquino as Teniente Abanderado. The commanders-in-chief were: Juan Azas, Mariano Dayson, Martin Diolata and Pedro Dineros. Six companies were organized under the charge of Mariano Serrano and Ciriaco de la Pena, assisted by their respective tenientes. Juan Bautista Sanchez was in command of the artillery Corp, assisted by his lieutenants.

Whenever an alarm was sounded, the Batallion would convene in the town in formation according to their respective corps, with firearms and weapons ready for emergency. All arms and weapons of war were made ready for use any time. For this purpose, two Municiones de Boca (Ordinace Department) were officially readied by the Delegado de Rentas who was in charge of the collection of taxes.

This Military organization was dissolved in January, 1900, upon the surrender of Sorsogon by the Revolutionary Government to the U.S. Army. The conditions at the same time were chaotic. Food as well as other merchandise was scarce. A liter of rice cost as much as two pesos and seventy fiv-five centavos, (P 2.75) a very exorbitant price at the time.

Source: A Brief History of Bacon by Cristina D. Jose, author

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Barangays in Bacon

Barangays in Bacon District

In Bacon district, there are 28 barangays, namely:

  • Balete
  • Bato
  • Bon-Ot
  • Bogña
  • Buenavista
  • Cabarbuhan
  • Caricaran - a coastal barangay where the popular Bacon Beach is located. It borders 3 barangays, namely, Poblacion on its west, Bonga on its east, and San Pascual on its south. It's also where the old Bacon town hall was located (where the staircase can be seen protruding from the beach sand).
  • Del Rosario
  • Gatbo
  • Jamislagan
  • Maricrum
  • Osiao - this is one of the far flung barangays of Bacon district and the most practical transportation to reach it is by motorized banca. However, it hosts to one of the potential tourism spot – Danao Lake – situated on a mountain side. Due to its remoteness, it’s a well known hiding place of New People’s Army during the height of the communist rebellion on the ’80s.
  • Poblacion - this is the former town center of Bacon. It hosts to one of the oldest church in Sorsogon located in a hilltop. A lone hospital is located in this barangay.
  • Rawis
  • Salvacion
  • San Isidro this is situated between San Ramon and San Roque (both barangays of the Bacon district). Radial access to this barangay is via a city road from Sitio Batohan in Barangay San Roque. The road that cuts across this barangay proceeds via San Ramon and San Vicente, eventually merging with the Maharlika Highway in Barangay Buhatan (part of the Sorsogon district). San Isidro is relatively flat and it’s agriculture is mostly rice field. Part of the Bacon Airport’s runway (southern tip) is located in this barangay, while most of the portion is located in Barangay San Roque.
  • San Juan
  • San Pascual
  • San Ramon
  • San Roque
  • San Vicente
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santa Lucia
  • Santo Domingo
  • Santo Niño - the farthest barangay of Bacon District in the north, connecting to the municipality of Man-ito, Albay. It doesn’t sit beside any barangays since it’s bordered by unclassified forest land. The most practical transportation to reach it is by motorized banca due to lack of roads for light vehicles.
  • Sawanga
  • Sugod
Source: Wikipedia

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Dellosa Clan Reunion

Dellosa Clan Reunion

Closer...closer... closer...